Text & Email Support
Terms & Conditions
24/7 unlimited text or email support.
Any questions relating to pregnancy, feeding and early parenting welcome.
Available during antenatal and/or postnatal period.
No previous consultation with Baby Business necessary however an Intake Form will be required.
Text|Email support can be purchased in blocks of 7, 14 or 28 days.
Every endeavour is made to reply to messages within six hours however a response is guaranteed within fourteen hours.
Fees are non-refundable.
Only general advice can be given. It is important to note that there may be some circumstances when an answer via text or email is not suitable or effective. Any question, or situation, considered to be of such a complex nature that further information must be obtained will require a Continuation Consultation (additional fees apply). This will enable a thorough assessment to be carried out to ensure any advice or recommended course of action is safe and appropriate.
After purchasing your support package please text or email your name and contact details (including mobile number, suburb and email address) to either 0488853334 or bec@babybusiness.com.au so that an Intake Form can be provided to you. Once the completed form is received you will be sent confirmation that your period of support has begun.