
Video consultations available for clients nationally.

Services for Gold Coast residents are provided in the comfort of your own home.

Many women find breastfeeding difficult in the beginning. For something so natural, it rarely happens naturally. Issues such as nipple pain or damage, babies who can’t or won’t latch, real or perceived low milk supply and engorged breasts are extremely common. Those things can be stressful enough but add to that the lack of sleep and sometimes conflicting advice and it becomes a highly emotional and vulnerable time.  If you’re an expectant parent my Preparation for Parenting service can give you some insight into what the first few weeks with a newborn are going to be like. By just having this knowledge many of these problems can be avoided. 

If this isn’t your first baby but you didn’t quite meet your breastfeeding goals in the past then an Antenatal Lactation Consultation will be invaluable for you. We can talk about your previous experiences and together make a plan to achieve your goals this time around. This service is also perfect if you have family members or close friends with newborns (so don’t need the in depth information provided in a Preparation for Parenting consultation) but would like to learn more about breastfeeding prior to your baby’s arrival. 

Breastfeeding takes practice, patience and persistence but if you are experiencing difficulties or are being told something that doesn’t feel right sometimes you also need evidence-based advice. If you’ve hit a little hurdle and would like some support and encouragement to enable you to continue breastfeeding I can assist you during a Postnatal Lactation Consultation. With an initial consultation, that is long enough to get to the bottom of any problems you’re facing, plus a video follow-up to ensure you feel comfortable moving forward there’s nothing you can’t overcome. 

If feeding is going well but you aren’t sure whether your baby’s behaviour is normal or you are lacking in the sleep department I can help with my Parenting Support service. I can recommend different techniques to settle your crying baby, and to ease your concerns I’ll reassure you about “normal” newborn behaviour from a biological point of view.  Or why not get some well deserved, and much needed, sleep with in-home respite. I will take your baby for a walk or just cuddle them for you (whichever you are most comfortable with) while you rest easy knowing that your baby is safe with a midwife who has spent many hours caring for newborn babies. If you can’t decide between advice or sleep then my Parenting Support Plus package is for you, this 10 hour package can be tailored specifically to meet your needs (overnight stays available).

You will no doubt have many questions throughout your pregnancy, early parenting and/or breastfeeding journey. If you’re sick of using Google and not knowing what to believe or always think of questions as soon as you leave an appointment my Text & Email Support is exactly what you need. Most parents have questions such as “where is the safest place for our baby to sleep?”, “what should we dress baby in?”, “why is our baby so windy?”, “is it safe to take this medication while I’m pregnant/breastfeeding?”, “when can I start pumping?” or “how do we introduce a bottle?”. For answers to all these questions plus general advice and guidance, at any time of the day or night, I’m only ever a message away. 

If you’re getting ready to go back to work and would like a plan so you can continue breastfeeding. Or if, for any reason, you have decided to stop breastfeeding and would like the transition to be as stress free as possible. A Weaning or Returning to Work appointment will ensure you get the valuable support you’re entitled to.

Bulk Billed Video Consultation | Antenatal or Postnatal


Bulk Billed Video Consultations can be booked antenatally and/or postnatally.

This service is ideal for mums who have any general pregnancy questions, would like to discuss breastfeeding prior to having their baby or are experiencing breast and/or nipple pain.

An Intake Form and Client Agreement will be emailed to you at the time of booking. It is important that this is completed, prior to your consultation, with as much information as possible so you get the most out of your 15 or 45 minute appointment.

  • Multiple appointments may be booked if necessary.
  • Consultations must all be on separate days and are only available until your baby is 6 weeks of age. 
  • Appointment length is strictly 15 or 45 minutes (depending on your booking).


Please noteTo be eligible for this service you must be either pregnant or less than 6 weeks postpartum.


Consultation length: 15 or 45 minutes

Home visits not available for this service

Fee: Bulk Billed

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Preparation for Parenting


A comprehensive personalised antenatal consultation focusing on what to expect in the first week of your baby’s life. From your time in the hospital until you bring your precious bundle home. 

During our appointment I will prepare you for life with a newborn. The knowledge you obtain will provide you with reassurance that what you are experiencing is normal. While most importantly helping you avoid many of the common hurdles new parents face.

Learn about:

  • antenatally expressing colostrum (when and how to do it),
  • the all important time immediately after bub is born,
  • “normal” newborn behaviour from a biological point of view,
  • what isn’t considered normal and whether you should be concerned,
  • correct positioning and attachment to prevent nipple pain,
  • how to manage if your nipples do get sore/damaged,
  • ways to prevent or relieve engorgement,
  • how to know baby is getting enough milk.


  • how to read your baby’s cues,
  • how to change a nappy,
  • how to bath your baby,
  • how to dress your baby,
  • what your baby should wear,
  • how to swaddle/wrap your baby,
  • different techniques to settle your baby,
  • tips & tricks to help make life easier,
  • ways partners can support their breastfeeding parent,
  • nursery necessities to ensure your nursery is practical and safe,
  • which items you probably don’t have to buy “just in case”.

Your experience will be as realistic as possible due to a special doll that’s approximately the same size and weight your baby will be.

Ideally booked between weeks 32-34 of pregnancy.

Service includes:
* 1 x follow up video consultation postnatally (to be used before baby is two weeks old).
* Continued support via text/email until baby is two weeks old.

Medicare benefit applies.

Initial consultation up to 3 hours + 45 minute follow up

Continued support via text/email until baby is two weeks old


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Antenatal Lactation Consultation


If you’ve had a baby before and would prefer your experience be different this time you’ll find the “Antenatal Lactation Consultation” invaluable.  This service consists of:

  • A full debrief about previous breastfeeding experience/s.
  • Thorough review of medical history.
  • An evaluation of how your health history may affect lactation.
  • A discussion about your breastfeeding goals and expectations.
  • Advice and recommendations to ensure you feel more confident and supported this time.
  • Any of the topics below that may be relevant.


This service is also perfect for first time parents who want to be prepared for breastfeeding.
After a review of your medical history we will discuss:

  • Antenatally expressing colostrum (when and how to do it).
  • The all important time immediately after bub is born.
  • Correct positioning and attachment to prevent sore nipples.
  • How to manage if your nipples do get sore/damaged.
  • What to expect during your first week as parents.
  • Ways to prevent or relieve engorgement.
  • General parent-crafting education.
  • Tips & tricks to help make life easier.
  • Different techniques for settling your baby.
  • How partners can support the breastfeeding parent.


Service includes:
* Customised care plan to suit you, your family and your specific circumstances (if applicable).
* 1 x follow up video consultation postnatally (to be used before baby is two weeks old).
* Continued support via text/email until baby is two weeks old.


Medicare benefit applies.

Initial consultation up to 2 hours + 45 minute follow up

Continued support via text/email until baby is two weeks old


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Postnatal Lactation Consultation


The “Postnatal Lactation Consultation” service comprises of: 

  • A full debrief about previous breastfeeding experience/s, if any.
  • Thorough review of medical history.
  • An evaluation of how your health history may affect lactation.
  • Observation of a breastfeed.
  • Oral assessment of baby.
  • Breast examination if required.
  • Advice, recommendations and support relating to breast or bottle feeding.


I can help with a wide range of concerns relating to: 

  • delayed lactation,
  • low supply,
  • slow weight gain,
  • breast augmentation/reduction,
  • engorgement,
  • oversupply,
  • positioning/attachment,
  • painful/damaged nipples,
  • breast refusal,
  • blocked ducts,
  • mastitis,
  • expressing,
  • storage of breastmilk or formula,
  • introducing a bottle,
  • paced bottle feeding.

This service incorporates:

  • general parent-crafting education,
  • tips & tricks to help make life easier,
  • different techniques for settling your baby,
  • ways partners can support the breastfeeding parent.



* Customised care plan to suit you, your family and your specific circumstances.
* Continued support via text/email for 2 weeks after initial consultation.
* A 45 minute follow up video/phone (to be used within 2 weeks of initial appointment)

Medicare rebate applicable until your baby is 6 weeks of age.
Private Health Fund benefits may apply.


 Initial consultation up to 2 hours + 45 minute follow up

Continued support via text/email for 2 weeks


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Returning To Work


If the time has come to return to work it doesn’t have to mean that you must stop breastfeeding. I will help you develop a realistic plan to ensure you protect and maintain your supply for as long as you choose.



* Customised care plan to suit you, your family and your specific circumstances.
* Continued support via text|email for 2 weeks after initial consultation.

Private Health Fund benefits may apply.

Initial consultation up to 1 hour

Continued support via text|email for 2 weeks


 Existing Baby Business clients will receive a 20% discount

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Alternatively, if for whatever reason, you no longer wish to continue breastfeeding I will guide you through a gentle weaning process so it isn’t a stressful or painful experience for you. In turn making it an easier transition for your little one.



* Customised care plan to suit you, your family and your specific circumstances.
* Continued support via text|email for 2 weeks after initial consultation.

Private Health Fund benefits may apply.

Initial consultation up to 1 hour

Continued support via text|email for 2 weeks


 Existing Baby Business clients will receive a 20% discount

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Parenting Support (In home service only)


Are you thinking:

  • My labour/birth wasn’t what I’d planned.
  • How do I settle my screaming baby?
  • Is this normal?
  • Why won’t my baby sleep in their cot or bassinet?
  • I’m so tired, I need a break…

Are you feeling:

  • Overwhelmed now that you’re home.
  • Confused or uncertain due to conflicting advice.
  • Exhausted…   

If you answered yes to any of the above, the Parenting Support service is exactly what you need.I can:

  • Listen to how you’re feeling about your labour/birth experience and answer any questions you might have.
  • Facilitate sleep by providing in-home respite.
  • Give you parent-crafting advice.
  • Show you different techniques for settling your baby.
  • Teach you tips & tricks to help make life with an infant easier. 
  • Discuss all the ways partners can support the breastfeeding parent.
  • Promise you it’s perfectly ok to be responsive to your baby and explain why.
  • Non-judgementally guide you while you gain confidence in your parenting choices.
  • Reassure you that you’re doing an amazing job.

More about in-home respite

Let a highly trained professional cuddle and care for your baby so you can relax. Your biggest decision will be whether to: get some sleep, enjoy a meal while it’s hot, unwind in the bath or wash your hair!

Book your appointment now and soon you’ll be able to take some time out knowing your baby is in safe hands. Better yet, if you’ve chosen to sleep, you won’t be woken by crying just as you finally get comfortable and drift off…


* Includes general breastfeeding advice only.
* In-home respite available until babies are 9 months of age.
* Continued support via text|email for 1 week.

Medicare benefit applicable until 6 weeks postpartum.

    2 hour service – $237.00

4 hour service – $457.00

Continued support via text|email  for 1 week

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Continuation Consultation | Video Call for Bulk Billed and Text & Email Support Clients


A Continuation Consultation can be booked if:

  • You have previously had a bulk billed consultation and require additional support after baby is 6 weeks of age.
  • You have purchased Text & Email Support and are experiencing difficulties which require a thorough assessment.




60 minute video consultation

$110.00 – 20% discount = $88.00

Only available to past or present clients of Baby Business

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Additional Support

Parenting Support Plus (In home service only)


10 hours of “Parenting Support” which you can tailor (pending availability) to suit your individual circumstances.

For example:

1 x 10 hour visit
2 x 5 hour visits
2 x 3 hour visits and 2 x 2 hour visits
1 x 6 hour visits and 2 x 2 hour visits

* Minimum bookings of 2 hours.
* Includes general breastfeeding advice only.
* In-home respite available until babies are 9 months of age.
* Overnight stays available.

More about in-home respite

Let a highly trained professional cuddle and care for your baby so you can relax. Your biggest decision will be whether to: get some sleep, enjoy a meal while it’s hot, unwind in the bath or wash your hair!

Book your appointment now and soon you’ll be able to take some time out knowing your baby is in safe hands. Better yet, if you’ve chosen to sleep, you won’t be woken by crying just as you finally get comfortable and drift off…


Medicare benefit applicable until 6 weeks postpartum.


 Existing Baby Business clients will receive a 20% discount

Make booking

Text | Email Support


UNLIMITED text & email support.


Q. What do pregnancy, labour, the postpartum period, newborns and toddlers all have in common?

A. Millions of questions accompanied by feelings of uncertainly.

While the internet can be a brilliant source of information, the answers you find online aren’t always completely accurate or safe. There’s always family and friends (and well meaning strangers) who will happy give you their opinion and almost certainly inundate you with unsolicited advice. When this happens I always say, thank the person but if their advice doesn’t align with your beliefs or parenting style then just ignore it. This is often easier said than done though. All these different people telling you conflicting things can shatter your confidence causing doubt and confusion to creep in.

Even when you finally feel like you have everything figured out things can change overnight and you’re left wondering what on earth is going on….

Whether you’re unsure, concerned, skeptical or would simply like some assurance, consider me a specialist version of Google or Siri. There’s no need to worry while you wait until your next appointment with a member of your healthcare team. Unlimited Text & Email Support means you have 24/7 access to someone you can trust for information and guidance.


* Available during the antenatal and/or postnatal periods.
* Questions re pregnancy, labour, breast/bottle feeding, postpartum recovery & early parenting welcome.
* Every effort is made to reply to messages within six hours (a response is guaranteed within 14 hours).
* No previous consultation with Baby Business necessary however an Intake Form is required.

For additional details please visit the FAQ page.


4 weeks (28 days) of text & email support – $97.00

  2 weeks (14 days) of text & email support – $50.00

1 week (7 days) of text & email support – $27.00

Text & email support can be purchased here.


Following your first Baby Business service you become eligible for a
20% discount 
on any, or all, of the following:

  • Weaning and/or Returning to Work Consultations and
  • Parenting Support Plus. 

How to prepare for your appointment can be found on the FAQ page.

Medicare benefits may apply until baby is 6 weeks of age.

Claims can be lodged on your behalf immediately after applicable service has been provided.

Further information relating to Medicare and Private Health
Fund rebates can be found in FAQ‘s.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.